The Runaways, the film based on the rockin’ girl group that emerged amidst a burgeoning glam-punk scene in Los Angeles in the mid-1970s, debuted on Sony DVD and Blu-ray Disc on July 20, 2010.
Directed by Floria Sigismondi, the movie examines the origins and reign of the band, which was fronted by rock prodigy Joan Jett (Kristen Stewart, Twilight: Eclipse) and supported on lead vocals by Cherie Currie (Dakota Fanning, War of the Worlds). The Runaways banded together under the guidance of eccentric manager-producer-promoter Kim Fowley (Michael Shannon, The Missing Person), often amidst illicit and abusive circumstances, and in just a few short years, became a pop-punk phenomenon.
Special features on the discs include commentary with rocker Joan Jett, Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, as well as two featurettes. The Blu-ray also features Sony’s MovieIQ+sync with “The Runaways” Playlist. MovieIQ+sync allows users to access real time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie via BD-Live.
The Runaways carries a suggested retail price of $34.95 for the Blu-ray and $27.96 for the DVD.
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