Magnolia Home Entertainment released the comedy Four Lions, the directorial debut of renowned U.K. satirist Chris Morris, on Blu-ray and DVD on March 8, 2011.
The film is set in a British city, where five men have a secret plan. Omar (Riz Ahmed, Centurion), Waj (Kayvan Novak; Syriana), Faisal (Adeel Akhtar; Traitor), Hassan (Arsher Ali, Silent Witness) and white Islamic convert Barry (Nigel Lindsay, TV’s Rome) are a quintet of British would-be suicide bombers whose story shows how terrorism may be about ideology but it is also about idiots. And these idiots are committed to detonating a bomb on their home turf!
Writer-director Morris based the idea of a group of inept suicide bombers for Four Lions on extensive research: “These cells have the same group dynamics as bachelor parties and five-a-side basketball teams. Plans are upset by arguments, egos, testosterone and idiocy. Do the basic flaws in human nature take a polite sidestep around a jihadi cell? No,” said Morris. (Check out a video review.)
Bonus features on the Blu-ray and DVD include the following:
- deleted scenes
- mini “background” documentaries about Muslim life in Britain
- interview with Morris
- and behind-the-scenes footage.
The Four Lions Blu-ray and DVD is available for the suggested retail prices of $29.98 and $26.98, respectively.
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