The documentary Gas Hole, directed by Scott Roberts and Jeremy Wagener, arrived on DVD on April 19, 2011, from Cinema Libre.
The 2010 independent film takes on the subject of the history of oil prices, the future of alternative fuels and the proposition that oil companies have repeatedly squelched any viable alternatives to petroleum by killing patents, buying out the competition and manipulating supply and reaping record profits following natural disaster.
Featuring footage from a Congressional testimony by the presidents of the oil companies as well as interviews with such Congressional leaders such as Senator Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) and Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, Gas Hole has already experienced backlash from the oil companies as well as an executive from General Motors Alternative Fuel Vehicles Division, according to co-director Scott D. Roberts.
The DVD, which carries a list price of $19.95, contains a filmmakers’ commentary as a bonus feature.
Incidentally, April 19 is also Earth Day and the one year anniversary of the Horizon Oil Spill.
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