Timed to the fifth installment of the Final Destination horror franchise arriving in theaters, Warner Home Video released the fourth movie on Blu-ray 3D with a coupon toward admission to the new film.
In theaters in 2009, The Final Destination has the same premise as the other films in the thriller franchise: a young man (Bobby Campo, Legally Blondes) has a premonition about his death and the death of his girlfriend (Shantel VanSanten, TV’s One Tree Hill) and friends (Nick Zano of TV’s Melrose Place and Haley Webb, Big Game) in a race car crash, but when he saves them all, death comes after each of them. The movie also stars Krista Allen (TV’s The Philanthropist).
The Final Destination Blu-ray 3D was released on Aug. 16, 10 days before Final Destination 5 3D arrives in theaters.
Priced at $44.95, the disc release includes the fourth movie on Blu-ray 3D, playable only on Blu-ray 3D players with a 3D TV, as well as regular Blu-ray, playable on any Blu-ray player and HDTV.
But, The Final Destination has been available on regular Blu-ray since 2008. And the disc originally included the film in 3D, but it was the older analog 3D using the red/blue glasses. This new Blu-ray 3D version has the new stereoscopic 3D that was seen in theaters.
The new release has the same special features as the original Blu-ray:
- two alternate endings
- pre-visualization and storyboards
- featurette “Body Count: The Deaths of The Final Destination — Decontructing Key Death Scenes”
- and additional scenes.
But purchasers of the new Blu-ray 3D will have the opportunity to get up to $8 off one admission to see Final Destination 5 3D in theaters. The offer is valid between Aug. 26 and Sept. 11, and you must provide your name and email address.
Here’s the trailer for The Final Destination:
Buy or Rent The Final Destination
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