On July 19, 2011, Magnolia released the DVD of the film Dumbstruck, a documentary that follows a quintet of ventriloquists (or ‘vents,’ as they’re referred to in the biz) over the course of a year, delving into their lives and performances, and revealing how each discovered a life with a dummy. The DVD will carry the list price of $26.98.
Directed by Mark Goffman (TV’s White Collar), Dumbstruck takes a look at five vents: 13-year-old Dylan, who dreams of a life on stage with his puppet, while his dad wishes he would be more athletic and join the football team; a former Miss Ohio beauty queen who longs to make it on to a cruise-ship; Dan, a veteran cruise-ship entertainer who’s struggling to find more balance in his home life; Wilma, who just loves to entertain people, taking her dummies everywhere from senior homes to the local Walmart; and, finally, Terry Fator, a struggling vent who went on to win America’s Got Talent and a five-year, $100 million Vegas contract.
The movie popped onto a couple of theater screens in April and May 2011, but essentially premiered on DVD in the U.S.
Special features on the disc include a making-of featurette, deleted scenes and extended interviews.
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