Blu-ray, DVD Release: Door To Door Maniac / The Right Hand Of The Devil

Blu-ray & DVD Release Date: Aug. 27, 2024
Price: DVD $13.99, Blu-ray $20.99
Studio: Film Masters

Film Masters brings you two independently produced films from the early 60s, both with their own cult following. Representative of the neo-noir crime films of that era, these regional films make for a perfect back-to-back viewing late at night!

The more famous of the two is Door-to-Door Maniac, which was originally released in 1961 as Five Minutes to Live.

Johnny Cash in 1961’s Door-to-Door Maniac

It stars Johnny Cash as a hardened criminal who’s behind the scheme of taking the wife (Cay Forester) of the bank vice president hostage in her own home. What follows is a robbery gone awry in just about every way imaginable! Directed by Bill Karn, this thrilling crime-drama also stars Donald Woods. Also look for a very young Ronnie Howard in a small role, along with Vic Tayback.

This double feature’s lesser-known film is 1963’s Right Hand of the Devil, wherein filmmaker Aram Katcher makes his bid to become the next Hitchcock. Turkish-born Katcher also stars in the film… and not just on-screen. Producer, story creator, editor, title designer, and costume designer are just some of the other roles he took with his magnum opus.

Katcher leads the cast as an ingenious criminal mastermind who hires a motley crew of questionable henchmen who are intent on robbing a sports arena. Along the way, and critical to their plans, he seduces a middle-aged cashier, but she is not so easily convinced as she may appear. Will Katcher triumph in his hard-won leading role?


  • Feature length commentary for ‘Door-to-Door Maniac’ by Author/Podcaster Daniel Budnik and Film Historian Rob Kelly
  • Feature length commentary for ‘Right Hand of the Devil’ by the Monstery Party Podcast
  • Trailers
  • Liner notes by Don Stradley and C. Courtney Joyner in a full-color booklet
  • Visual essay, by Someone’s Favorite Productions

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About Laurence

Founder and editor Laurence Lerman saw Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest when he was 13 years old and that’s all it took. He has been writing about film and video for more than a quarter of a century for magazines, anthologies, websites and most recently, Video Business magazine, where he served as the Reviews Editor for 15 years.