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4K UHD, Blu-ray Release: Night Moves (1975)
No Comments is a DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D website dedicated to the most notable movies and TV shows on disc. We feature new release details and reviews of all the mainstream, big Hollywood movies, from animated family movies like Toy Story 3 to popular horror films like the Saw franchise.
But we also dish about the best in independent films (Blue Valentine), classic movies (Citizen Kane) and other titles worth looking at, like TV shows (Modern Family) and even those cheesy monster and horror movies (Sharktopus) that can be so much fun to chew on.
As movie lovers and journalists, we don't just tell you the release dates and disc specs. We write about the movies and what makes them notable on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D, so you can best decide if they belong in your collection. Check out our full list of upcoming DVD and Blu-ray releases.
In our reviews, we rate each DVD and Blu-ray in dishes — of course! — five being the best of the best. We rate the main feature, the audio and video quality and the overall package. For the overall rating, the movie or TV show gets the most weight, but a disc can get fewer dishes if we think the special features should have been better.
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